Companies know that data is one of their biggest assets. The problem is how to extract value from this immensity of data, turning it into information. GSTEP solutions, based on global leading technologies…
The planning, budgeting and consolidation solutions provide companies with a competitive advantage in the implementation and monitoring of their business, as well as in the consolidation of accounts…
Business Analytics solutions aim to gain new information and knowledge from the available data by building models of Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence…
Find out the right Business Intelligence solution for your business.
Companies know that data is one of their biggest assets. The problem is how to extract value from this immensity of data, turning it into information. GSTEP solutions, based on global leading technologies or on BI & Data Warehouse Accelerator frameworks, have the power to interact with the company’s information, at any hierarchical and departmental level…
GSTEP otimiza o processo de controlo orçamental da Morais Leitão
GSTEP is once again the company chosen by Morais Leitão, this time for the implementation of the Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service (PBCS) technology solution, which allowed the law firm to reduce the
GSTEP helps AdvanceCare monitor fraud scenarios
The objective of the project developed is to analyse fraud and abuse scenarios using automated processes…
Luz Saúde Group entrusts GSTEP with data integration
The technological and data analysis needs of a hospital are not to be taken lightly…
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GSTEP improves business processes at Lusitania Seguros
In order to meet the increasingly demanding business challenges faced by Lusitania, including the need for real-time…
GSTEP automatiza solução de Planeamento e Controlo Orçamental numa das maiores Seguradoras presentes em Portugal
Utilizando a ferramenta Oracle Hyperion, o projeto de Planeamento e Controlo de Gestão (PCG)…
GSTEP confere mobilidade à área Comercial da Lusitania
Por forma a maximizar a capacidade de resposta da rede Comercial na gestão de pedidos para análise Comercial…
GSTEP agiliza reporting da Morais Leitão
A equipa de reporting da Morais Leitão lidava com um processo de consolidação de informação manual…